Week in Review: MoneyShow, Getting Back in the Game, and Google

Posted by | August 12, 2011

This week, Safeguard exhibited at The Money Show San Francisco.  The show featured presentations from financial gurus providing in-depth expertise about the financial markets, top performing stocks and sectors, and specific ideas for profiting in these markets. If you missed us in San Francisco, be sure to visit our booth at the next World MoneyShow in Chicago on October 20-22 at the Hilton Chicago.

Recent media coverage of Safeguard included Seeking Alpha’s article about recent growth and valuable partner companies. The article references the recent boom in Internet company IPOs and how investors can greatly profit from a timely investment. David Sterman mentioned Safeguard because of our diversified focus in emerging life sciences and technology companies.

In addition, Philadelphia Business Journal’s Peter Key declared Safeguard “back in the game” and “making deals.” Peter highlights our four strategic exits since December 2010, including Clarient, Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, Advanced BioHealing and Portico Systems.

There have been some exciting developments with our partner companies:

It’s also been a busy few weeks for the Philadelphia chapter of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE). Last week, NFTE Philadelphia held a four day NFTE University event that trains and certifies new educators to deliver fun, engaging and relevant entrepreneurship education to high school students, using the NFTE curriculum.  This intensive training program focuses on the core elements of an entrepreneurial education and provides the tools and methodology for teaching students the principles of entrepreneurship.

This past Monday, NFTE Philadelphia’s Sylvia Watts McKinney spoke at the Urban Entrepreneurship Forum.  The forum, co-organized by the White House, gathered more than 250 local entrepreneurs leaders in the city’s community to discuss urban entrepreneurship.  The intention of the forum is to engage and empower America’s urban communities through action rather than pontification.

To read more of our “Week in Review” series, please use the following feed: www.safeguard.com/WeekInReview. Enjoy your weekend!

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