Week in Review: Third Quarter 2012 Venture-Backed IPOs Double Year Over Year

Posted by | October 5, 2012

The third quarter is officially under our belts, and the first venture capital numbers are already out. Ten venture-backed IPOs raised $1.1 billion in the third quarter, a decline from the second quarter (mostly due to Facebook’s massive IPO) but more than double the activity over the same period last year. In addition, the third quarter saw 96 venture-backed M&A deals, 30 of which disclosed terms and totaled $7.6 billion, a 30 percent jump over the second quarter.

Mark Heesen, President of the NVCA, notes that exit activity for this quarter might be impaired by the automatic spending cuts and tax changes set to go into effect next year (unless Congress acts to stop them). He suggests that corporate acquirers might wait for the election results and greater stability before the exit environment heats back up.

Our partner companies, on the other hand, have been in a flurry of activity recently:

To read more of our Week in Review series, please use the following feed: www.safeguard.com/WeekInReview. Enjoy your weekend!

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