Putting Growth Capital to Work in Philadelphia

Posted by | May 31, 2012

On average, Safeguard Scientifics evaluates more than a thousand business plans each year—that’s 20 business plans per week. Last year, we chose to partner with eight—DriveFactor, Hoopla Software, Lumesis, NovaSom, PixelOptics, Putney, Spongecell and ThingWorx.

You might wonder: Why did we choose those eight over the hundreds of others we evaluated? How do we sort through all those plans? What do we look for in our next partner company? How do we deploy capital? And most importantly, how do we build value in our  partner companies?

I recently sat down with Kimon Hatza and Mike Verrill of MoneyMattersTV to discuss these and other questions. I offered my perspective on everything from the changing venture capital landscape to the varied opportunities for life sciences and healthcare companies in the Philadelphia region.

Take a look:

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